viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2020

My Favorite Food

Hi everybody, today I´m going to write about my favorite food and I will do it by answering a series of questions, wich are: What is my favorite food?, Why do I like that food?, When was the first time I eat it?What place do I consider the best to eat that food?, How often do I eat that food?. Well It´s a litle difficult for me to choose only one food, but in this moment the only one I can think of is the pineapple pizza, since the first time I ate it, I´m in love with the taste of that pizza. In general I like the taste of all pizzas, but the particularity of the pineapple pizza and what finally captivates me is the combination of sweet and salty taste, pineapple combined with cheese, tomato sauce, ham and a pinch of oregano, make it one of the tastiest pizzas for me.

I don´t remember exactly the day I first tasted this pizza, but I do remember different moments when I was at school and we were leaving class with my friends, and went to a pizza parlor for lunch, near the school, called "Pizza Pizza", many of those times I would order a pineapple pizza, and my friends would look at me strangely, telling me that I was crazy and that they wouldn't eat any of that pizza , so I would end up eating it by myself.

In general, I always order this pizza when I go to a Papa Jonhs place, I love the the way they prepare it, and before the pandemic I usually bought this pizza at lunch time, but nowadays it's strange the time I eat pizza.

Pizza con piña, ¿sí o no? |

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